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fallout: new vegas ulysses dialoguegarage for rent south jersey

{No sound file}. But the characters in the DLC stand tall in this way, all with their own unique stories to tell. That's why the Legion and NCR conflict must continue. Had to. Bear's too busy carving up the Mojave with knives, roads, borders, and how things {emph}should be to see how it {emph}is. Ramblings, reminders for a man who doesn't need them. Ulysses S. Grant High School And it's falling apart. Is this how it must end between us? History's there no matter how far you walk. Whatever flag you follow, or followed then either way, you got too much of the Bear's sickness in you to live. I'm not planning to go into the Divide after you. [FAILED] Mojave needs to survive itself first does that, Tunnelers will be next on the list. Any symbol deserves a chance to defend itself, by words or acts - not this. The Mojave'll become Vegas. {No sound file}. {Slow, cold}I'm a courier. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic018. Not the name the dead would give it. Changing it - that's something else. Words will not bridge this. There was only one message in the machine, only one message in the package you brought. You could walk back. {Beat}The West shall answer first. Forgotten everything. They revere their mines and explosives, guns {emph}that is their religion - {disgust}death from afar, take pride in it. Ulysses is a courier and former frumentarius of Caesar's Legion. Shown strength coming in here - if strength's what you respect, then you belong East of the Colorado. {Disdain}Yes but different weapons than you're used to. Only delays the end for the Bull, a new wall for them to scale and cross once they're done with the Mojave. {Bitter}Could've breathed new life into the Mojave, bridging East, West. ~~~~~ Legend That'll end soon, can't walk the Long 15 and not have a nation's shadow fall on you. House. Things you did. [Legion] Being Frumentarii kept you from killing me in the past. {Frowns}In the Divide, need to watch the sky {emph}and ground {Dismissive, shakes head}Mojave'll be easy prey for them. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic105. I don't care if you walk the Divide. {Beat, trying to draw player out here}Maybe seeing those markings on it reminded you of home made you carry it. What I do now is an act of conviction. {Slight disdain}And you think that you have this strength? Not going to waste time trying to make the blind see. {No sound file}. Lanius the "Butcher." Heal their wounds - not the scars. Maybe you just need to be tested. You and that {slight sneer at 'machine'}machine, keep your eyes on the tower that cuts the horizon you'll find your way. {Quieter}The ones that came were following orders. Bear couldn't hold the Divide. If my life burns out here, so be it until then, I wait and watch, see what the road brings. {Derision}You gave it a name. [FAILED] Yes, that is what you proved to me at the Divide - what is here, what you showed me it is enough. Yes, as surely as you did at the Divide. NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000E12C_1NVDLC04Dia_NVDLC04Dialogue_0000D447_1, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic054. Doesn't change what was done. So you refused to deliver the Chip - what, to set me up to die? Called it Bitter Drink, mixed up the Xander and Broc in a bottle, added some kick to it so your head doesn't get all clouded. {Player pointing gun at him}Fire, and I won't take it lying down. Deathclaws - hunt the Marked Men, {even quieter, for emphasis}and they also hunt what burrows below. How were you planning to attack the Divide? Get ready to die. I don't understand how a package could have done this. They walk as Couriers. You maybe blinded by Vegas's light, or the promise of that Chip. And I've seen its messengers. Thought carrying that Chip would end you, no you got lives in you, hard to kill. {Watching the perimeter of the temple}If we're done here, let's leave the Divide behind. Even if I will be the only one to hear them. Ulysses appears in the Fallout: New Vegas add-on Lonesome Road.He was mentioned in Old World Blues and Honest Hearts.. You and that Chip - deserve each other, twenty-nine less coins than other traitors have carried, if history's true. Fall apart, back to the tribes, maybe. {Quiet}Comes back, we'll deal with it then. Storms, bullets sand and wind, yet still you walk. You taught me that. {Disgust}The idea of a machine bearing a message new to you? {Frowns}You know their flag, a bear with two heads. I still don't understand - why are you doing this? Was there anything left? What made you turn from the East? The Divide couldn't stop me, the Mojave couldn't kill me - you don't have much chance. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic002. {Quiet, reminding the player}You've seen the marks, the symbol. None of the people that lived here survived yet all of the West and the East, they hold on as the Divide tears at them. And where the Bear tries to cling to life, the Legion comes bearing messages. Legion or not, you have betrayed more than you know. {Cold}The machine you brought is mine now, it's coming home. {Testing, slow in the middle}Convincing me - changes nothing. Empty as if technology can solve anything. Part of it now. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic119. [SUCCEEDED] {Slight confusion}Our history {frowns}the Divide. That Old World Wall. Your wife - children? Inside, Old World's waking up. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic063. Symbol's an Old World one, had one head then, better off for it. They're split like any two-headed animal, trying to go in different directions, ending up nowhere. {Correcting, Emph}Our part in it. {Cold, ominous}Not a world I want to be part of, going through motions until we're all smiling faces on some robot's screen. There was death in that meeting, even while Vulpes smiled - asked for our help against the other tribes. {Quiet, to himself}Answer told me what happened here at the Divide, the how of it, and that was enough. {Studying weather, log to himself, thinking back}Emptiness here - like the sands of the Great Salt Lake, echoed. Do not Translate. Made it this far not much farther to go. You already know this. Courier to Courier. Before. Graham was broken on the wall of the Dam. Lesson there, if history's to be believed. {No sound file}. {Cold}We {emph}all have death following us, only a question of how close. If there's no more answers you want, then we'll end this. Still can - {slow}but the Divide will mark you, sickness will set in. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic052. Not even his slaves have seen his face - struck them blind so they can't. Truth favors that, matches the history of this place. What did you mean, "slower death for the Mojave?". Accident? And even when you could have turned away, you brought it again, in that machine. {No sound file}. I learned their weapons as a means of respect. {Beat}NCR will burn. {To himself}Tactics of the Bear. {Sneers, contempt}Won't {emph}hold it. Even further West than that, Brahmin drives on the Big Circle. {Slightly amused}Didnt think Id be breathing to hear you say that. Do Not Translate >. {Anger, dismissive}Now like the Dam, it's too covered in blood to see what it could have been. [SUCCEEDED] {Thinking}The why of it you taught me the why of it. {No sound file}. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic037. You've been, you've seen the Wall. The missiles here, on their way home. These missiles will solve nothing. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic084. {Slightly pleased, they can settle things personally}Good. If the why of it matters to you. Road gets rougher from here {slight disdain}Courier. {No sound file}, NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic008. What was it to you? I can do it again, and give life to Vegas. >. The package I brought was from Navarro, the Divide scanned ED-E's logs from the Mojave. Ulysses that sounds like a Legion name a Legion hero? Once. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic000. Makes them stronger. I'm not talking about NCR or the Legion, I'm talking about our history. Why you wandered. When I {emph}followed your road to the Divide those years ago, I saw the symbol I wore all around me. The Bear's going to burn, and burn slow. (as Joseph Sanabria) Art Department Sound Department Use storm, sky. {No sound file}, They bear false versions of Legate Lanius' mask, the one Caesar fashioned for him. If you blame me for the Divide, then let me answer for it, not others. I'll see you answer for this. A longer history than what happened here. Here, with the Old World flag as witness. To honor Caesar - destroy the {emph}history of New Canaan, and the way they {emph}carry it - in their generations and family. In the logs of the White Legs, you mentioned your tribe, and its past. {Slightly sympathetic}Let its light give you what strength it can today marks its end. {Beat}Promise of another future. What did you mean before, "it's a dance?". AUDIO: Need more distortion here, Ulysses just cut in. Can't break that by making the road red. Enough for {emph}all of NCR? I had a reputation of soft-hearted devil with the three big factions when I finally got the Independent dialogue, so try to do that if possible. Wears a mask, don't even know if it's the same man. Last tape, last message. Here, with the Old World flag as witness. Left with answers I never intended. - Joshua Graham. Ulysses is a courier and former Frumentarius of Caesar's Legion. Deserved to die as my brothers did at Boulder City, mines, bombs. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic071. {No sound file}. Underestimated you. It will {emph}keep happening. Was the only time I'd heard a machine speak in the Divide, the only machine with a voice. Your head's messed up worse than the Divide. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic125. {Sees a player lay a mine, scorn}A tactic of the Bear. The Mojave will follow. {Disdain}Keep them, listen, study them - they won't help you here in the Divide. Was going to watch, see. {Cold, appraising}I spoke those words in anger, and I did not expect an answer. {No sound file}. This time {emph}you carry the burden. It's where my tribe was taken. It was the key. Ulysses walked a hard road. I followed your road here, saw the Divide. Caesar was right to want it dead. {Disgust}Staked a claim, whether it was wanted there or not - {just like its}true elsewhere in the Mojave. You're curious. >. Still, meant for you. {To himself, this is a hint}Any logs of mine I have already cast away in the Divide, they're lost to you. {Thinking}Antivenom's helpful around the Mojave with the Bark Scorpions. {Echoing player}The supply line - the artery for the West? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic103. [FAILED] Words are not enough to bear the weight of your flag - {disdain}if you follow anything at all. {No sound file}. Yet you believe in the wrong symbol. {Beat, emph}What you brought to the people here. If history matters to you you'll need to earn it. {Thinking to himself}No way to cleanse the radiation - makes them hard to kill there, have to draw them out. If your path takes you there, know you're not the only one. {Narration}{Female}There, beside her feet, was a final package, from one Courier to another - a footlocker, bearing a gift, and a message. {Beat, "but"}Cant stop you from going, wouldnt. That's what made the Legion come to the Divide. Nearly killed me. {Anger, "Justice"}Just? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic116. {Beat, to himself}Not sure how much farther you have in you. Yes. Denver hounds? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic121. He was Brahmin-stubborn, gave him strength on the battlefield. Somehow Joshua walked away from that, went beyond Caesar's gaze. It hasn't proven itself wrong. One I'd never seen before - {little quieter, to himself}or heard before. {Beat}The Mojave awaits. {No sound file}. [FAILED] You came from the West, walked there. {Beat, rallying}But it is their philosophy that was flawed - their weapons, used with new perspective Those weapons can be used to kill a symbol that has already proven itself wrong. Enough Xander root and Broc flower along the trail though, the Legion was able to keep pace and get where they were going. Without the West to challenge it its shore will be closer than before. {No sound file}. You destroyed your own homeland. {Low, slight threat}Spent too many years looking for you - now, letting you come to me. Courier. If you speak for the two-headed Bear, I'll hear your words. {"I"}Believe that. They blew up the lands West and East of the Mojave damning them all to hell. Power can wall off someone, when they {slight emph}believe it's freed them. {No sound file}. It's the wall by which this age will be measured, the gravestone of the Mojave. {Slight accusation}You'll see the extent - the miles of it, soon enough. You dodged it - for a time. Deserved to die as my brothers did at Boulder City, mines, bombs. {Reflective}Walk there sometimes, keep the walks short. {To himself}Promises to keep. {Slight surprise}What do you m {"mean," then chuckles}I see the way of it. And all that gather beneath its flag. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic021. We'll see. Ignorance is a {emph}choice. At least they're trying to help the Mojave. Weigh you down long enough to let death catch up to you but you survived. Vegas earned its right to survive, its people don't deserve what's about to happen. And I would never have discovered the Divide without you. 100 speech as well as a high rep with Legion or NCR. What's the Courier's Mile? NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic012. I had no idea the silo was active until the missile was in the air toward Hopeville. {Frowns, suspicious}You lie. Trade route, road the military could use can't have two roads into the Mojave. Not Bear, not Bull - now radiation's marked them, made them equal in history's eyes. My tribe? {Narration}It is said a man still walked its streets, with a tattered jacket, an Old World flag etched on the back {Narration}He remained there, perhaps as punishment for the scars he left on the wastes - or a reminder of a history he could not forget. That's Legion territory. Found them, heard them after I cast them aside - maybe there was purpose in that. "I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.". If it felt like something fighting for, you can rebuild it. The only other home the chance of a home was what you built at the Divide. {Death sentence}Now you will see what you brought to the Mojave, and that will be {emph}my message to {emph}you. If you want to spare Ulysses, you need a high speech unless you have collected all of ED-E's LR upgrades or ALL of his holotapes. [Vegas] Even if you have no faith in Vegas, I do and my actions have proven it. {Quiet, accusing}I carry no hatred for duty if that's what this was. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic043. Old World wreckage's nothing new after that, something you had your hand in - you'll walk it soon enough. {Reflective}Can be a place of mind, a moment where you know who you are, the history of it. Needed someone to unlock it - bring it home. Well I listened to a lot of Tom Waits, so I was used to guys sounding like their throat is full of gravel. Put the idea of loss in him. Questions in those tapes I still haven't found answers to. He made a mark without being myth. I'll finish history's work. NVDLC04DialogueUlyssesNVDLC04UlyssesTopic099. Cast it and the tapes aside. {No sound file}. Maybe not now - in time. {DUPE}{Anger}Accident? We're too far from Vegas to argue perspective on it. It will feed on itself, die. {Derisive}The soldiers of the Bear? America. {Cold, judging, low}And you've forgotten. {DUPE}{Smile/sneer}What kind of world would this be if Courier killed Courier. {Beat}Maybe the markings on the package reminded you of the road home. You're crazy. [Legion] The dead? Saw the walls of New Canaan the scavengers circled hadn't the strength or fire to take. Not scavengers it's what they wore {slight beat}before this all happened. Inside more complicated. And when it came their turn to pay respect to me history came rushing back. You walk, leave ruin in your path you can't leave alone. {Quiet, respectful}As for my brothers in the Legion they deserved to die in battle, as do all beneath the flag of the Bull. The Divide still stands against us. {No sound file}, [FAILED] {Disgust, slight dismissive}I know you. Your tapes prove you've walked the Mojave, yet learned the wrong lessons. The Chip - a choice. And power, stronger than me, would take a hundred Elijahs someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome. Vegas is one of the safest places in the Mojave, and that gives me hope. And the Divide, one of the roads to it - Legion was tasked with cutting that artery. The Divide winds have torn the skin from many of them - {beat}may be the radiation is the only thing keeping them walking. Assassins. {Keeping voice down, to himself}Checking for movement. "Theater" is better - the families, the Bear all on a stage. {Grim, taunt}Running out of time, Courier. If you bomb the West and East is this how things should end? { no sound file }, they can settle things personally } Good the scavengers circled had n't strength. For Our help against the other tribes } Didnt think Id be breathing to hear them break that making. Was used to guys sounding like their throat is full of gravel, [ FAILED ] needs... Hear them death catch up to you you 'll walk it soon enough for! The gravestone of the Mojave, yet learned the wrong lessons, Bear. Still have n't found answers to them in their Dome seen before {... 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