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catalina kernel panic log

I wish you success, Note: This is the current path for Kernel Panic logs for macOS High Sierra 10.13.6. ; no problems. panic (cpu0 caller 0xffffff8013c2c665): "root image authentication failed (err=22)..." Stuck at: [EB|#LOG:EXITBS:START] Kernel EFI And that in some cases these go back to 10.15.4. I’m not sure how I do that. because I can't seem to find any useable step by step guides online) or the EFI drivers and KEXTs are just set up the wrong way. >!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1 This turns out to be a bit more than 344 hours, or over 14 days. 03:45:36.684937+0100 kernel zone_map_exhaustion: Largest zone kalloc.48, size 6586939680 |!ABCM5701Ethernet 10.3.5 followed by series of backtrace details is of no use to regular users. I have re-installed Soundflower, and let’s see if the system is more stable. I don’t run virtualization software on the Mac mini, and it had been 5 days since I ran a Carbon Copy Cloner job. BSD process name corresponding to current thread: WindowServer For example, the kext with the ID of is named AppleMobileFileIntegrity.kext. Thank you. If you have repeated panics, keep a note of these, as they may cast suspicion on a core with a hardware problem. You mentioned Chronosync, Carbon Copy Cloner, and Time Machine. >!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4 !UHub 1.2 Waking up memorystatus thread. 0xffffff911ac0bfa0 : 0xffffff8009cc1226 Facing kernel panic on accessing "Offline" attribute of SMB protocol in our custom kext. Among the most crucial of those are: There have been recent reports that the macOS Catalina 10.15.6 update can result in kernel panics. I encountered an undefined kernel panic on MacOs Catalina 10.5.5. You’re unlikely to find the panic itself in the unified log, which often ceases some time before that occurs, and doesn’t resume until after the reboot. 0xffffff911ac0b770 : 0xffffff8009e54a75 Running 10.15.7 and still seeing random kernel panics on a Mac mini late-2012 machine. Hello Catalina! Thank you. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Further, I have recorded increase in wired memory starting from about 27th April, though I don’t have the history of kalloc measurements. I did let off some steam by using some very precise language in leaving a 1-star review for Sophos on one of the comparison sites, for (a) being implicated in several WindowServer panics, (b) using kexts which are deprecated under Catalina and will not work at all under Big Sur, and (c) restricting their customer service (for Free users) to reading their KB articles, thereby preventing me from letting them know what their product was doing to my system. How to mine Crypto Currency with your Mac’s CPU. |IOSerial!F 11 I've swapped failing OC EFI-folder and put onto Catalina Installer. Since new, it has run High Sierra briefly, then Mojave and now Catalina with hardly a problem (really! Thank you. Howard. This is consistent with the kernel running out of memory in one of those zones. Unless the points in memory are mutually exclusive in space and time, any writing to the block of memory from an outside source, while being backed up, could lead to a kernel panic. However I note that Avira also uses deprecated kexts. last unloaded kext at 4123720656935: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f8b0c4000, size 49152) 0xffffff911ac0ba60 : 0xffffff7f8af6ecfe Howard. I’ve seen it throwing more errors than my iMac did for 8 years. Recently, every time I let my Macbook Pro on MacOS Catalina go to sleep, I get "Your computer was restarted because of a problem" when I log back in. This gives the version of the current kernel, which you can also find in Software in System Information. PS: I have Big Sur on my other two machines (2014 MBP and 2018 Mini), so I don’t have a basis for comparison with 10.15.6. 03:45:36.684867+0100 kernel zone_map_exhaustion: Zone map size 12884058112, capacity 12884901888 [jetsam limit 95%] >!ASMBusPCI 1.0.14d1 Yes, I think that’s correct – two different ways of working out uptime. I would think, during Catalina updates, the EFI has been updated, which does not downgrade when falling back to Mojave, hence the error persists. 0xffffff911ac0b7b0 : 0xffffff8009e465fe >!AHPET 1.8 When I restart it iStat Menus shows 100 deg C, the last previous value before it polls the CPU temp sensor. This computer is used as a render node, so nothing much else connected other than base OS and Cinema4D render client. Might it be worth stripping out all third-party KEXTs to see if that might help, perhaps? Last night, at around 0030, I quit the last open app and put the display onto screensaver for the night. Begin typing your search above and press return to search. With the update the Catalina last year the machine has become virtually unusable. “kernel” : “Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Sun Jul 5 00:43:10 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~9\/RELEASE_X86_64”, @filesystems.apfs 1412.141.1 >corecapture 1.0.4 >!A!IHD5000Graphics 14.0.7 My MacBook Pro (9,1 mid 2012) has also started kernel panicking, but for a different (and consistent) reason: “userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkin from in 120 seconds” I, too, leave it on all the time, and find the system restarted in the morning with this kernel panic report. I’d be inclined to download and install the latest Combo update, then the Supplemental Update to that. !UCommon 1.0 This explains WindowServer, and this a crash. |IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.140.1 The log continues to give further details of the kexts which might be the cause A few minutes later, our ISP factory-reset our router, and RJ45 connections were working fine, but no more WiFi. My review of Sophos Home Free for Mac has been published (for those who enjoy a good hatchet job) … Howard. You may find today’s posting about Mach zone memory and panics illuminating. I’m not sure what you mean. What do the panic reports show? Begin typing your search above and press return to search. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! >mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8 On my iMac Pro, once I had sent the log to Apple, it vanished altogether, and I can’t find it in any of the log folders – hence my advice to copy and paste it while you have the chance! I don’t let the system sleep, and it normally runs an hourly small Time Machine backup, small hourly ChronoSync backups, plus daily Carbon Copy Cloner backups. There are considerable differences between the panic logs shown there and those you’re likely to encounter in more recent versions of macOS, but some of the detail remains helpful for those who wish to dig deeper. I'd say the majority of people who have this kernel panic aren't able to produce it with my 4k video loop method. I’ve done email with Mike Bombich, and he’s heard of other systems having this problem. I’m sorry to hear that. !UXHCI 1.2 Sad that this ís still going on. The computer hasn’t crashed since then, but I also haven’t used it that much since I’ve been away. When performing various routine tasks such as checking UPS status, at 0321 this morning it reported its first serious memory problem: 03:21:09.481606+0100 OSAnalytics Tagging submission policy as alternate for logtype:298. @filesystems.autofs 3.0 The reports were sent to Apple with my comments. As the name implies, exceptions are conditions which require special handling by the operating system. @kext. “compressorSize” : 519990, It looks like the latest Soundflower is version 2.0b2 dating from 2016. But yesterday I experienced this Kernel issue on the same task which is performed while loading the neighborhood. Panic files should be named something like Kernel__.panic. >KernelRelayHost 1 Apple provides further details in an old and now retired Technical Note, TN2063. This might have changed, though, in Catalina: Console there no longer lists log folders as such, but lists them by type. My kernel panics also seem to coincide with a SuperDuper clone backup. |IOAccelerator!F2 438.7.3 last unloaded kext at 948795488738566: >usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2 (addr 0xffffff7f8556c000, size 45056) You do need to look carefully through them, as they can easily mislead and leave you chasing something that isn’t responsible for your panics. ^^^ Last time, u/TheRacerMaster was able to use Hopper disassembler to provide a binpatch to skip over the panicking code, and it was enough to load AppleIntelBDWGraphics. You might like to try downloading and installing the 10.15.6 Combo update, then applying the 10.15.6 Supplemental Update. Here is the report that gets sent to Apple >usb. But after the update, I log into my account and it crashes and kernel panic I was able to stop the crash when I changed Clover, on Graphics Injector, the * platform id: 0 x12345678 then the system went up and the installation was complete and … |IO!S!F 2.1 |IODVD!S!F 1.8 I noticed an anomaly with the uptime in the panic log and the uptime in the terminal. Thank you. Hello, I am trying to install Catalina with an EFI that woks with Mojave and I keep getting this kernel panic, is there anyway to fix this? Did the panic log report a memory leak or other cause? |IOAHCI!F 290.0.1 >!UTDM 489.120.1 03:21:09.448533+0100 kernel zone_map_exhaustion: Largest zone kalloc.48, size 6544393440 Obviously memory pressure is quiet high at times, but the machine does not seem crash during peak memory usage, but rather in idle times. Howard. |IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice 422.120.3 Fix 3: Bypassing startup login items. Ever since upgrading to Catalina, my MacBook Pro 2018 randomly freezes up completely. -Screen Savers where the first things ruled out / disabled [no effect] Howard, your latest articles on troubleshooting panics/crashes with logs are very informative, especially to one who has never done this. Thank you. |IOSkywalk!F 1[6DA33D13-4501-3D48-B4D8-0329E6AEC86D]@0xffffff7f84e7d000->0xffffff7f84fa4fff >!UHostMergeProperties 1.2 Thanks. Might the kernel panic ignore the time that the laptop is asleep? >!AMikeyHIDDriver 131 There have been several firmware updates with Catalina, and some have cause problems with specific models, as usually happens.In my case, this is a Mac with a T2 chip, which is of course very different in firmware. I have exactly the same problem you describe in your extended comment below. |IO80211!F 1200.12.2b1 Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev Malwarebytes has a beta available which is free of kernel extensions – you might see if they’ll take you on their programme perhaps? Otherwise it is left to its own devices while I grab a few hours of sleep. Howard. If so, what is the cause suggested in the start of the panic log? Rather than taking 1 day for kernel panic, it takes about 3-5 days. This, with very little running. You might like to look at this article, which explains how to use the log and zprint to investigate this. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! 03:45:36.683855+0100 kernel 1239701.228 memorystatus: killing_top_process pid 58870 [coreauthd] (zone-map-exhaustion 1) 724KB - memorystatus_available_pages: 4451852 I installed the supplementary 26 days ago and it’s been perfectly stable since. This is the name of the process running its code at the time, and can be another clue as to where the problem lies. In which case, any Mac running 10.15.6 could be so affected. |IOAHCIBlock!S 316.100.5 These are less useful, and the list long. Normally in Mojave and later, this should be opened automatically a minute or two after starting up, and afterwards moved to that Retired folder. This would be also related to the memory leak. Aug 21 04:03:42 Keiths-iMac-Pro CallHistorySyncHelper[40833]: objc[40833]: Class AWDCallHistoryNilUuid is implemented in both /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CallHistory.framework/Versions/A/CallHistory and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CallHistory.framework/Support/CallHistorySyncHelper. see here. If I hit 24h, then I plan to go back, re-enable this setting, and see what happens…. Yup, been seeing exactly these symptoms (OS killing processes until machine is unusable) across all my Macs since updating to 10.15.6. >!AHIDKeyboard 209 At least superficially, the symptoms seem to be very similar (i.e., macOS all of a sudden terminates all running applications and many system processes). As I do CCC clones and other misc cron jobs during the wee hours, I’ve been looking into hardware issues like flakey disks. Howard. I haven’t a crash kernel, but this feels worst, as work in slow motion. If you are running any optimization tools, these two can get your way. kalloc is a memory allocation command. The situation didn’t improve, so another process was sacrificed: The good thing it has never happened while using the computer, only in conjunction with sleep (mostly waking from sleep) and when starting up MacOS after a restart or cold start. $!AImage4 1 |IOCD!S!F 1.8 |IOUserEthernet 1.0.1 >!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8 >!ASMCLMU 212 Do you see a Panic Log? >!AThunderboltEDMSink 4.2.3 absolute same here,… different machine thought – the machine crashes when something to the graphics driver happens, while being idle / standby. Hi, I have recently purchased a brand new MacBookPro 16", running OSX Catalina (fully up-to-date). @nke.applicationfirewall 303 >!AEFIRuntime 2.1 |IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.6f7 Those stopped after a Hail Mary of PRAM, NVRAM resets and an install of 10.15.6 from the combo updater. I technically had one kernel panic prior to upgrading, since upgrading to Catalina, but I had THREE today since updating to 4.0.6, and I think they occurred while or … I usually get a small window that reports the restart because of a problem that displays two buttons, Ignore and Report–I usually click on the Report button. I'm wondering if there's a problem in the Config.plist, (possible FakeCPU issue? Mac OS version: It’s a very interesting problem I think since some don’t seem to have it (no trouble on my work MBP 13″ from 2018 for example), but a fair amount of people across various models of Apple computers do. Guess they’re now asking their victims to wait for 11.1, whatever landscape name it is. Kernel slide: 0x0000000009a00000 I’m sorry to hear that. . 0xffffff911ac0be10 : 0xffffff8009cf6d15 Have you applied the Supplemental Update? ). >!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0 03:21:09.481234+0100 osanalyticshelper extending prolongation transaction timer …. Thank you – I’m delighted to hear it. The problem is as follow: 1) If I don't put my laptop to sleep mode when it is unattended and the laptop goes to sleep mode automatically then it restarts with Kernel Panic >pmtelemetry 1 During Catalina, the performance dropped significantly, fans ran more, the machine was noticeably running hotter than under Mojave. Everything seemed to work smoothly, but when I turned on the monitor this morning, neither the menu bar nor the dock were there; only the desktop background with an iCloud error message and some security-related error message were visible. A sizeable number of Mac users are experiencing occasional system crashes after updating to macOS Catalina version 10.15.4, released a few … @kext.OSvKernDSPLib 529 Kernel panics are indicative of possible hardware failure, so you should Check your Mac with hardware diagnostics or AHT. Have you tried disabling your CCC tasks and seeing if this causes your panics to go away? service:, total successful checkins since load (3850 seconds ago): 372, last successful checkin: 120 seconds ago, Backtrace (CPU 1), Frame : Return Address “userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkin from in 120 seconds”. “crashReporterKey” : “4C681C1C-xxxx”, I’m sorry to hear that. >!ATopCaseHIDEventDriver 3430.1 Darwin Kernel Version 19.6.0: Thu Jun 18 20:49:00 PDT 2020; root:xnu-6153.141.1~1/RELEASE_X86_64 Yesterday evening, I did notice in iStat Menus that memory pressure was a little higher than I would expected, but none of the individual apps/processes seemed to have used used a particularly large amount of RAM. PermissionScanner version 1.8 is now a Universal App,,, Updates: Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, SilentKnight, silnite, LockRattler, SystHist & Scrub, xattred, Metamer, Sandstrip & xattr tools, T2M2, Ulbow, Consolation and log utilities, Taccy, Signet, Precize, Alifix, UTIutility, Sparsity, alisma, Text Utilities: Nalaprop, Dystextia and others, Spundle, Cormorant, Stibium, Dintch, Fintch and cintch. – RichardLiu Nov 29 '20 at 0:44 |IOSMBus!F 1.1 Note this involves the zone kalloc.48. __HIB text base: 0xffffff8009b00000 I run a 24 hour cycle with daily restarts. Perhaps you could report that using Apple Feedback Assistant, to fix it. I have no idea whether or not this app supports Big Sur. Howard. I can't retrieve the Kernel-Panic Log as well. Backtrace (CPU 8), Frame : Return Address dependency:[CA079DB9-6FDB-3AB5-A5E5-506459E3F12E]@0xffffff7f8282e000 ... Sign up or log in to customize your list. Press Esc to cancel. |IO!BSerialManager 7.0.6f7 !AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1 As the Catalina iterations role-in, I haven’t seen any additional EFI updates – which would explain why not much is being fixed. How to debug these kernel panics on MAC OS Catalina. They suggested I should run *without* antivirus (has anyone any thoughts on whether they would recommend this?) 0xffffff911ac0b9f0 : 0xffffff7f8af6f7fa |IOHDA!F 283.15 Funny because CalDigit guys blamed Catalina for all the problems, and treat Big Sur as the messiah that should miraculously save everyone’s ass from kernel panic hell. 1. Thank you. I’m not saying this is unrelated, but the kernel panics precipitated by VMs and detailed above appear different. This must have just been a very bizarre coincidence but in any case, trying for a panic hat trick now…, I believe there was still had one USB disk attached so I left it connected but then also unchecked the “Put hard disks to sleep when possible” in the hope this might solve the problem. I’m sorry to hear that. 0xffffff911ac0bdb0 : 0xffffff8009d203c8 Until now that meant macOS 10.14 (Mojave). com.sophos.nke.swi 9.9.4 Backtrace suspected of leaking: (outstanding bytes: 288) I'm struggling to decipher the kernel panic logs (found in the root of the zip). @filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5 I run VMware and have run into this too, seems to affect VirtualBox too. 0xffffff911ac0b920 : 0xffffff8009d1a117 |IOHID!F 2.0.0 If you can’t find one, it might still be held in NVRAM, in which case you can view it using the Terminal command nvram -p or nvram -xp If it looks like this is one of Apple’s extensions, then you need to report this to Apple. I am experiencing intermittent (yet frequent) kernel panic crashes when launching/resuming VMs, especially my Windows10 VM seems to be affected / causing the issue. It’s urgent that Apple repair this, because there is more than a month from the upgrade with the problem. Kernel Extensions in backtrace: I look forward to finding out more, perhaps even a work-around, until Apple releases a fix. Besides, I quit them all before going to bed, and the only GUI app running at that time was Finder. >!AACPIPlatform 6.1 I have downloaded Ulbow and in time I will learn to use it and to decipher the results…. … This appears to be common among those who run some virtualisation products such as VMWare Fusion and VirtualBox, but I believe this may be a more general problem which could affect any Mac which is left running much of the time. Howard. Also how do I get the kernel panic uptime? Howard. Are monitoring kernel zone memory using zprint? On rare occasions, and I am not sure why the difference, I get a much larger window with code in it, possibly the panic log, with a button to send to Apple that I click on. More than anything else, this panic log will provide clues as to what went wrong, thus what you can do about it. Kernel version: Shortly afterwards, macOS started killing processes to try to recover memory: |Broadcom!BHost!CUSBTransport 7.0.6f7 loaded kexts: I also found 25 JetsamEvent files in “/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/” that were all created soon before I turned on the monitor of the Mac mini and noticed the issue, and those were the only JetsamEvent files in that folder. You seem to have some old KEXTs listed there – Sophos and Soundflower, for example. I then started it up before 0600, and was eventually greeted by the panic report. Hopefully Apple is onto the cases now and looking for leaks in the Catalina sieve. Here's a (almost certainly unnecessary) Medium guide - The app is about as self explanatory as it gets but just in case anyone finds that useful. Howard. Somehow my Hackintosh throws a kernel panic while booting Big Sur USB Installer. This article confirms the Kernel Panics and lists probable reasons why. My iMac is suffering from the VMware reported leak, though that is supposedly only since 10.15.6 and the leak is in kalloc.32. |IO!B!F 7.0.6f7 03:45:36.685009+0100 kernel zone_map_exhaustion: Nothing to do for the largest zone [kalloc.48]. I’ll update in a few days. Here is a way you may be able to bypass this issue. My tentative conclusion is that there are interactions between multiple applications (presumably in their kexts) and macOS kernel memory, all causing kernel/wired memory to grow uncontrollably. I’ve resorted to rebooting them all, even the servers, daily and also after every virtual machine usage session. 03:21:12.314618+0100 plugin UserEventAgent MemoryMonitor kernel jetsam snapshot note received The backtraced kext suspected of leaking was given as (1412.141.1) with its dependencies. >!AHDA!C 283.15 |IOTimeSync!F 840.3 Hello all – just posting my experience here. >!AMikeyDriver 283.15 $sandbox 300.0 Don’t Panic! 0xffffff911ac0bf00 : 0xffffff8009e2c065 Zone Name Cur Size Free Size System shutdown begun: NO This first tells you which core the panic occurred on. |IOReport!F 47 Start your Mac and enter your password normally but don’t immediately click on the login button. |IOAVB!F 850.1 Howard. No VM use but some large-ish data transfers. 03:21:09.481007+0100 plugin UserEventAgent MemoryMonitor kernel jetsam snapshot note received 0xffffff911ac0bb60 : 0xffffff800a45cbf3 >!AEFINVRAM 2.1 System uptime in nanoseconds: 1239705131493706 This continued over the next 24 minutes or so, until processes like CoreServicesUIAgent, cloudphotod and LocationMenu had been killed one by one. One of the two will be used. I've tried other USB-stick, Working EFI from OC (0.6.2) Catalina Installer to Big sur installer. |IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.1 - Mr. Macintosh, Michael Tsai - Blog - macOS 10.15.6 Bug Causes Crashes With Virtualization, Updates: Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, SilentKnight, silnite, LockRattler, SystHist & Scrub, xattred, Metamer, Sandstrip & xattr tools, T2M2, Ulbow, Consolation and log utilities, Taccy, Signet, Precize, Alifix, UTIutility, Sparsity, alisma, Text Utilities: Nalaprop, Dystextia and others, Spundle, Cormorant, Stibium, Dintch, Fintch and cintch. Does anyone know how to compile kexts with Xcode, because I have looked everywhere but I have not been successful. @private.KextAudit 1.0 However, I am now getting the memory leak events instead. Thank you. Long may this continue. Same for me – I’ve a panic log posted a few comments further down the thread. >!ASMBIOS 2.1 @BootCache 40 Further update: after some more panics (at least two of which implicated Sophos as Sophos WebIntelligence was fingered as a CPU hog by Activity Monitor in the 30-50 minutes between restart and panic), I took Sophos off my system on 9 September and replaced it with Avira. After update, wired memory is leaked slower and kernel panics occur at about 33% wired memory. Seems a variant of it has been more or less from the start: Yeah, I'm not surprised. I know that older versions of Soundflower have been known to cause problems. @vecLib.kext 1.2.0 0xffffff911ac0b970 : 0xffffff800a4c1b28 Kernel Extensions in backtrace: My Mac Mini has been crashing almost every night since updating. Also, the system has been stable for 12+ hours after I disabled the hard disk sleep setting. Howard. 03:21:12.296302+0100 kernel zone_map_exhaustion: Largest zone kalloc.48, size 6544825920 That’s uncomfortably toasty for an i7 of that batch. Thank you for this article. { There, I saw that only System Preferences was still running (instead of the 15 or so apps that should have been listed there), and I suspect it was only running because I had clicked on a button in that iCloud error dialog a few moments ago. I think Big Sur is going to bring a much-needed sort out of these extensions. @kext.CoreTrust 1 Adding a data point to this, I ran VMware for about an hour, launching 3 virtual machines, quitting VMware when I was done. more stack exchange communities company blog ... For 9 days, there was no kernel panic. 0xffffff911ac0b800 : 0xffffff8009cc0a40 “zoneMapCap” : 12884901888, Reading a Panic Log in Catalina When your Mac starts up after a kernel panic, it prepares a panic log which should be displayed in a window a minute or two after you have logged in. -App naps etc [no effect]. I’ll start copying that to TexEdit and see if I can find it in the Library/Logs/DiagnosticReport folder or the CrashReporter folder just above it. The problem still persists on my iMac Pro 64 GB / 10 core Radeon Pro Vega 64. Howard. >!ASEPManager 1.0.1 Which translates to 1d 13h 33m But the terminal uptime last time I checked before the crash showed: $ uptime In either case, when I put the computer ‘screen’ via hot corner to sleep, no error happens, when the switchers times-out while the OS is idle the computer freezes up, kernel panic and reboots with all the above errors. |IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.6f7 >!ASSE 1.0 I use Sophos Home anti-virus, and Soundflower deals with redirecting the sound source if/when I do a video capture from screen (Apple has yet to get that functionality right). I am able to boot through graphics ( detected as Intel HD Graphics 5500 4mb) also with solid dock . Same here. >watchdog 1 Not sure if it matters, but this is the last logged message in system.log before the system restarted… service:, total successful checkins since load (4030 seconds ago): 403, last successful checkin: 0 seconds ago Howard. Combine the information you have gleaned from the panic log with any you might gain from the unified log, and your knowledge of the circumstances of the kernel panic, and you should have a shortlist of suspect causes. […] Catalina. Waking up memorystatus thread. System uptime in nanoseconds: 135224141476071 The majority of apps I use are bread-and-butter like MarsEdit, BBEdit, Safari, Postbox and Tweetbot. System shutdown begun: NO So for me the ‘leaks’ go back to 10.15.4 (but starting well after the 10.15.4 upgrade). Howard. 15. ), and I can’t recall when it last had a kernel panic. How do I go about getting kexts updated, if that is the issue? NOTE: I am still on Catalina. (The older style kernel panic text stayed until you restarted your Mac.) kalloc.64 4241453056 5000896 Prelinked kernels are built by /usr/sbin/kextcache. Sorry about the 3rd party KEXTs, but it really is the best way ahead if they’re potentially causing panics. I didn’t get a log to capture or to send to Apple. This identifies all the kexts which are referenced in the backtrace above, and gives you a more useful shortlist of those which should be suspected as being involved in the panic. @plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3 What are the panic logs reporting as the cause? – z0nam May 29 '20 at 1:27. This gives the Model Identifier, and states whether the system had been preparing to shut down. I’m wondering, though, if it was the same issue, and I just happened to notice it in time, so I was able to restart the Mac before the kernel panic would have happened otherwise. I look forward to that, and as always extend my thanks for your informative and enjoyable work. panic(cpu 1 caller 0xffffff7f8af6fad5): userspace watchdog timeout: no successful checkins from in 120 seconds Note that those are unlikely to coincide with the kexts identified earlier as possible culprits, so you’ve got more to add to your list. Didn’t figure it would solve anything but at least get the problem in the system. Howard. Making me think, that Catalina updated a firmware on the GPU or else, which won’t be reverted when downgrading to Mojave. Are you getting kernel panics? Howard. |IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.120.3 At least I’ve been seeing it on my (un-supported I know) Mac Pro (Mid 2010) since I put Catalina on it at version 10.15.2 and it happens after waking from sleep from time to time, but I’ve also seen it panic during boot. 03:45:36.684302+0100 kernel CoreAnalyticsFamily virtual bool CoreAnalyticsUserClient::initWithTask(task_t, void *, UInt32, OSDictionary *)::165:success !UXHCIPCI 1.2 >!AVirtIO 1.0 My MacBookPro just hangs up and restart whenever I leave it running for days since the upgrade to 10.15.6. @z0nam Good to hear! The first panic is the same as you mention in this issue, maybe it is not a itlwm bug but related to Apple's Airport, I don't know what is going on, the Apple Airport framework crash on init state. >!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter 6.2.6 0xffffff911ac0b720 : 0xffffff8009d1a65d >usb. About the only thing I was still able to do was to log in via ssh from my MacBook Pro and issue a “sudo shutdown -r now”. |IOUSBHost!F 1.2 03:21:12.314761+0100 osanalyticshelper Attempting to write jetsam report

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