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factors affecting self identity slideshare

The religious, economic and social standing of your parents is bound to shape you in some way. “Children cannot be fooled by empty praise and condescending encouragement. While there are a variety of ways that teens experience identity formation, some experiences can become very harmful, often resulting in teenage identity issues. Nieto states that culture consists of an ever-changing system of values, traditions, social and political relationships, and world views created and shared by a group of people bound together by a combination of factors that can include shared history, geographic location, language, social … Enactive Attainment “Mastery experience” is the most important factor deciding a person’s self-efficacy. The individual factors include: a) Heredity. Heredity is something that passes from generation to generation. This raises the question about what are the most significant factors which help shape our identity. Low Self-Esteem. Here are a few of the key factors that influence our identity:Childhood Naturally, the way you’re brought up has a huge impact on who you are. The Self refers to an organized configuration of perceptions of who one is. For example, the personality of doctors and police has a great distance which happens for their work environment. Bandura points to four sources affecting self-efficacy; 1. Experience – a.k.a. Learn more about the causes, problems, and behaviors leading to common teen self-identity issues. Consider each to determine whether an identity problem helps contribute to your own problem. Some of them are not changeable or cannot develop. The Self and identity are closely related concepts (Tap & Sordes-Ader, 2012). This essay will look at some factors that influence the development of an individual’s self-concept: age, gender, education, media and culture. Social factors shaping our identity So far we have examined the way culture socializes us and its subsequent impact on the formation of our identity. Simply put, success raises self-efficacy, failure lowers it. It is necessary to address the definition of culture before discussing cultural identity. You may possess some skills your father or your mother have. Individual or Personal Factors Affecting Personality Development. Self-concept includes assessments of all parameters that are relevant to an individual’s development: from physical appearance to social and intellectual capacities. Factors Affecting Personality. The following list describes a few different ways that identity problems can be present. The individual factors are those factors inherent in a person. 5. Self-identity is the way in which a person views themselves and their role in the world. A poor sense of self-worth (also known as poor self-esteem) occurs when you come to believe that you have little value or worth. Workplace environment: Men spend most of the time in their work environment so, the work environment is a great important factor that affects personality. Answer (1 of 5): Our identity, or the way we perceive and express ourselves, is shaped by nearly everything that we do and have experienced. This can be composed of a number of factors based on your values.

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