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if animals could talk, what would you ask them

no … Because some pets just don’t leave their beds ALL DAY. We do so many negative things to animals and assume that they think and feel the way we say they think and feel. Posted by 27 days ago. Every once in a while though you may encounter a question you've never been asked in an interview before. The users without accounts have to wait due to a large waiting list and high demand. Why don’t they learn to take it outside? Or do they just not have the energy to do anything else? Want to add some juice to your work? You are allowed to ask for help and admit that you don't know what to do next. Since we’re hopelessly devoted to them, we’d like to think our affection was reciprocated. This could also be bad because people might start to think that the military would start teaching them how to spy on other people. Sort by. Talking animals would be amazing! You may well have quite literally torn them away from their mother and siblings shortly after birth – and the likelihood is they’ll never see their family again. We'll occasionally send you account related and promo emails. The owners decided that they wanted to use him to impregnate another horse. I mean come on if the animals were able to talk wouldn't they just tell us what they want rather than us fighting for what we think that they need. Reach out to others for help, and be there for them when they need you, too. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. We’re relatively certain that every single animal-lover out there has, at some point or another, wondered what animals might say to them if they could talk. Hearing that question may surprise you… A Response to The Saints and the Roughnecks, A Good Guide on How to Write a Movie Review College. This one is particular to cats. If you've been to a lot of interviews, you're probably used to hearing some of the same questions over and over again. There is a horse named Blue that lives on a meadow with beautiful grass and plenty of acres to run around on but no one to keep him company or socialize with. People would ask them how they lived and what they did when they were in danger. Cats aren’t meant to play fetch. As soon as the babies were born they took the other horse away from blue. We are willing to run tests on them and kill them in cold blood. Reddit sought to answer just that. ‘Cos, y’know, I missed you. Blue was, to me, a crazed person. I would talk to them all night long about everything. I mean, I would be mad if someone took away my ability to have children without my say so. Close. Many would ask “How can you kill an animal in cold blood? If we are the ones who need to products we should be the ones that get the tests ran on us, not the animals. 5. ” Scientist as well as doctors is trying to argue that it is alright to test animals because we need to make sure the products will not harm humans after being put on the market. When a pet is sick, it’s hard to tell what’s really wrong or what’s hurting until you get to the vet, and even then it could remain a mystery. Here you will also find the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your research paper well-formatted and your essay highly evaluated. Is it a thing they do because they have to and therefore they just push themselves through it knowing it’s gross? It … We do so many negative things to animals and assume that they think and feel the way we say they think and feel. best. Craig invites us into the minds of several members of the animal … At least, we can’t be sure of it. Makes your heart break a bit when you think about it. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to you via email. Jump the queue with a membership plan, get unlimited samples and plagiarism results – immediately! If farm animals became smarter and could talk in human language, what would you advise them to do? You know you would go crazy if you had to eat that every day. I have watched many movies that animals could talk, and I have a strong desire to talk to them. You tell them no, and they just don’t learn. We humans feel that because we … We know it’s a cleaning thing…but.. they spend a lot of time down there. They learn words and then use them to ask for toys or treats they want, or to go to specific places. It’s no wonder we devote so much time to trying to figure out what the hell animals might be thinking.. Humans are meant to live in community. In Alice Walker’s essay Am I Blue? The conversations about humankind and animals would be astounding. “Blue was like a crazed person. Many people would argue that animals don’t have emotions, while others would argue differently, because when you step on your dogs’ tail he cries, because it hurts. Mark Prigg noted that “More than 500 leading scientists and doctors have pledged their support for animal testing in medical research. Are you aware you… Many would ask "How can you … I barked … User account menu. Sometimes, I wish my dog could talk so I could ask her if she dislikes me as much as I dislike her. I have two beloved dogs. 2. You are allowed to admit that you don't have all the answers, and I hope that you do. The overall thought is scary to me. Hi there! I would ask them how to run as fast as them. Oh wait. I would ask them how is the life for them and how do they live; I have a friend said, if she was able to communicate with them, she would never eat them. OP’s posts: See next | See all Add message | Report | See all. In our society, the pace is so fast that everyone is trying to move forward and get ahead of one another that we tend to forget about the small things. Press J to jump to the feed. Alas though, that doesn’t always happen. You said sorry at the time, but the memory of them growling/biting/hissing at you still haunts you to this day. save. If I had the ability to talk to animals, I would ask them a lot of questions. We kill animals for us to walk around and look nice in furs, run random tests on them to see how they think and function, and simply just experiment on them for our makeup and chemical products. If Shorty could talk then she would be able to comprehend what I say and I’d like her to know that she’s safe, loved and that I will be with her every step of her life and will hold and love her as she’s dying. I'm guessing he would answer without knowing what he's talking about, but he's probably closer to the answer then any human has ever been. Sometimes people express how bad they feel when they see animals being beaten or suffering from the negative results for a chemical test. We should be more considerate of other beings. They are so cute and smart. if animals could talk, would you still eat them… However, I wouldn’t mind talking to animals if they could talk … I wouldn’t like it if animals could talk; I think they would become too powerful or manipulative. We are willing to run tests on them and kill them in cold blood. But soon after the female horse was impregnated she was taken away from Blue and back home. We are willing to run tests on them and kill them in cold blood. Blue became more like a wild horse then the friendly one that he used to be. Published . Let’s face it, it’s particularly hard to figure out how animals are feeling, seeing as they can’t talk. 3. If you could live off one food for the rest of your life, what would you have me prepare for … Here’s a list of questions that they (and indeed we) would want to ask our pets if we got the chance. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. Sometimes pets walk in at the most inconvenient times or witness our most private acts. If animals could talk, lots of people would be interested in talking to the animals. okay, First, I may try to ask their feeling at that time. If you could talk to animals, what would you do? We love our pets. lol and I may ask why they are able to speak our language. I would be careful, though. 9/29/2013 11:50:58 pm. We do so many negative things to animals and assume that they think and feel the way we say they think and feel. ‘Are you tired of eating the same thing every day?’ Doesn’t all pet food taste kinda similar? If an animal looked poisonous to me, I would stand a little bit away from it and ask only if it was poisonous or not! You always wonder if you had a hand in scarring them for life somehow. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Doesn’t all pet food taste kinda similar? why? 3. share. Cats, dogs, birds, lizards… our non-human family members are beloved and special to us. Your rights explained, Mum who had double mastectomy twice wants her sons to be tested for BRCA1 cancer gene mutation, DIY newbie gives kitchen a dreamy makeover for just £170. I never had a dog, but for some reason it would probably be super social and … When a person is in the kitchen cooking and drops a pot or something that will make a loud noise the pet will run, because he’s scared. One question that tends to throw people off in an interview is "If you were an animal, what would you be?" Animals show emotions just like humans do such as Blue in Alice Walker’s Am I Blue? But what if you had the chance to ask your pet a question – and it could answer it honestly? Who would want a human friend who could turn his back on you anytime when you have a loyal dog to be your confidant? I will talk to them when I got no people to talk, they are like as my friends; I will tell them the world is beautiful because of them. I feel that Anna Breytenbach, a highly skilled telepathic inter-species communicator, holds an important key to the evolution of humanity and this planet. They would say how stupid humans are for testing on them and thinking that just because animals don't look like humans, they don't have feelings...I wish animals could talk. "When you have those funny dreams where you kick and bark in your sleep, what are you … Just imagine for one second a conversations between humans and their pets. ” The same way we can go around and kill another person whom we’ve never met before. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, Get a custom sample essay written according to your requirements urgent 3h delivery guaranteed. For those pet owners whose pet left one day and never came home. Your Answer Is Very Helpful For UsThank You A Lot! He galloped furiously, as if he were being ridden, around and around his five beautiful acres. But intuitively it seems like this gradient of intelligence would limit the amount that we could talk with animals. If animals could talk like us and tell us how they felt, would we then treat them differently? We aren't meant to do this thing called life alone. But your cat does. 29.2m members in the AskReddit community. I may hang out with them a lot more than before because they can speak :) and I am going to talk … You’re just hungry aren’t you… alright then, let me just wash your bowl first…. The message it brings us is so deep. Have not found what you were looking for? How is it you can sleep so easily? Blue changed from this sad horse to a horse with “A look of independence, of self-possession, of inalienable horseness”. If Animals Could Talk Essay Sample. And seriously, it would be helpful if I could warn my cat not to touch … I like to tell her thanks for agreeing to be … Copying is only available for logged-in users, If you need this sample for free, we can send it to you via email. How about getting a customized one? If humans couldn’t communicate with each other, we would no longer continue to progress. Now by the way I don’t know if you’ve ever been in to Aquaman. We have received your request for getting a sample. Ever wondered what animals would say if they could talk? I would also ask them about the world through there eyes. 3. if animals could talk, would you still eat them? Aldi launches mini hanging egg chair just for cats, My male best friend sexually assaulted me and it’s ruined my trust in men, How much can a landlord increase rent by? So that could start another crise about the government spying on us. They would tell you what foods they prefer, how they feel during the day, and they would tell you if you’re annoying them. ” The same way we can go around and kill another person whom we’ve never met before. … Vote. The whole doc is available only for registered users. They bring the horse to Blue’s meadow and let them get used to each other so they can make babies. report. Log in sign up. You just want to know what you could do to help. No problem! My bed is not the garden. If animals could speak, they would inform you when they are in pain, instead of silently suffering. December 13, 2013. If farm animals became smarter and could talk in human language, what would you advise them to do? The illustrations are part of a series called They Can Talk, and as you can see from this list, the rest is fairly self-explanatory. Do they get bored of sleeping? Seriously. 4. He had someone but they were taken away without any thought of how he would feel about that. Blue was happy that he had someone who he could relate with, meaning another horse who he could communicate and would do the same things that he did. Conversation #1: HUMAN: Hey Fido! I think that if any animal could talk, they would say don't eat them, it just that the cow is the thing we eat the most (don't know why), the pig would be a … Get access to our huge, continuously updated knowledge base. How about getting this access immediately? HUMAN: Did you have a good day today? What would that question be? 1 comment. I would ask them about how it was before humans invaded there space, or how they feel about people that come into there home and take away there trees. Or…not? hide. It’s difficult enough when you’re in a relationship with a human to figure out if your perfectly communicative partner is happy, let alone your pet. 1. When your pet is curled up on your lap and nuzzling your arm, are they showing you genuine affection or are they just reminding you it’s dinner time? They came to my house six years ago, and I had spent a lot of time with them before I went to Hawaii. He lost all trust for people and put a barrier between humans and him. Clearly, African grey parrots operate on a far high level than any other animal … Deep down we may already know the answer. Adding communication to animals would increase their intelligence. Only the users having paid subscription get the unlimited number of samples immediately. He had beautiful land, a nice apple tree, but no one to share it with. Blue was used to the other horse and happy when she was around, but the owners just took her away from him when they were finished having the babies. I’ve just watched the most incredible film about communicating with animals. Posted by 1 minute ago. Then wonder no more because these awesome comics by Jimmy Craig will tell you everything you've ever wanted to know. : And do you recognise me when I come home? Close . Get your need-to-know lifestyle news and features straight to your inbox. What Animals would say if they could talk.We don't own any of the footage used in thisFollow me on Twitter! ( I do not know is it in English or Japanese lol) Also, I may ask their favorite activity, food, song, person, and place. Many people tend to be inconsiderate of animals and their needs and feelings and we place our own needs and wants first as if we are superior to everything else. Wild animals would be more easy to study on, since they will say human words, we won’t really … What If Animals Could Talk To You? It looks basically the same. I would take them places and give them baths and have them help me study. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. provide for you a wide variety of top-notch essay and term paper samples on any possible topics absolutely. Many would ask “How can you kill an animal in cold blood? By clicking "SEND", you agree to our terms of service and privacy policy. Then I'd go find a dog and ask if he wants to go for a beer with me, or at least a nice cold bowl of water, and we could talk and reminisce about good old times. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts . Would you like to get such a paper? Well, wonder no more because artist Jimmy Craig has created a series of awesome comics called “They Can Talk” exploring that very theme. If animals could talk I would ask them so many questions like what is your favorite food. 100% Upvoted. What do YOU all want to ask them if you could! Do they actually…enjoy…hurting you…? Wouldn’t it be cool if we could understand and talk with animals? Animals could say “I love you” to their owner many times. DOG: Yeah. We have received your request for getting a sample.Please choose the access option you need: With a 24-hour delay (you will have to wait for 24 hours) due to heavy workload and high demand - for free, Choose an optimal rate and be sure to get the unlimited number of samples immediately without having to wait in the waiting list, Using our plagiarism checker for free you will receive the requested result within 3 hours directly to your email. I would watch dog shows with them and they would bark at the tv. Do you chose to wag your tail or does it just happen? Okay, so these comics probably don’t depict what animals would … We humans feel that because we have the ability to talk and to think logically, that it is okay to do many of the things that we do. ozzia Tue 06-Oct-15 09:32:06. alexandra McCoy English 1201 Professor Papaccio Nov. 8th, 2005 If Animals Could Talk If animals could talk like us and tell us how they felt, would we then treat them differently? Or if you need this sample for free, we can send it to you via email. Come to think of it, it would be nice to ask the bird why it chirps every morning and ask my pet how the night went. By Trinity Bourne | Openhand. Actually, maybe we shouldn’t ask this. If I could talk to animals, what would I do…? Their names are Jack and Candy. If animals could talk like us and tell us how they felt, would we then treat them differently? Of your 4 legged friends, who is your favourite? Do the different flavours of dog food actually taste different? I would ask them who’s there favorite owner or others. No progress comes from expressing our feelings about negative treatment, we have to be willing to act upon it and start with small things like not using animals for research for our own purposes. DOG: Hey, whats up my Human? We are really sorry but we cannot send the sample immediately. ” (633) When Blue’s owners removed his friend off his land he didn’t care about anything else. The pluses would be people would have a better understanding of their pets and the lives of their pets.

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