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why is youtube so slow but internet is fast

The house wiring needs to be in good condition and all fed from the same meter to work well. To get your Internet performance back, you should regularly run an antispyware program to clean out any spyware infestation. Updating Graphic Drivers. Some viruses can multiply at the rate of hundreds of e‑mail messages per minute, which leaves little computing power and Internet connection bandwidth for anything else. Windows 7 support has ended. This can be a really annoying problem, when we buy a Wi-Fi booster/repeater/extender to get a stronger signal, but we still find the signal is poor even when doing this. People with fast fiber optic connections also experience YouTube buffering. Your home network is busy (wait until it’s quieter or use QoS settings). You can reset Internet Explorer to its default settings. With the right steps - and the right browser - you’ll soon notice that Internet searches are faster and smoother. Here are the general steps for setting up QoS (each router differs a little): Quick demo video:if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-weakwifisolutions_com-leader-1-0')}; The idea here is that you are instructing your router to process the traffics demands of your device first, before anything else on the home network. Word of outages and problems also spreads rapidly on social media these days. Upload Traffic: Nowadays, many people are now working as a YouTube creator. A list of wired and wireless internet connections configured on your computer should appear. Running another program that's using lots of memory and computing power can compete with Internet Explorer and cause delays. Your mobile device is a powerful piece of technology, but by default some of its powers are not in use. This doesn’t necessarily mean that your Internet is too slow. QoS is a setting available on some (not all) routers that allows certain devices and/or types of traffic to be prioritized on a home network. We realize this article is more aimed at people who are getting much lower speeds than they know their internet package is capable of. It is either using Wi-Fi or it is using your mobile data connection. This is an annoying problem, when you know your internet package is capable of fast speeds, but the actual downloads speeds you are getting are very slow. A list of connections should appear on screen. If you notice crackling in your phones, you might want to contact your phone provider to have them check the lines inside and outside your home to make sure they are in good condition. link to Solutions For Weak Signal Even When Using a Wi-Fi Extender, link to Lösung PS4 Fehler NW-31247-7 (Mehrere Optionen). At least 10 Mbps speed is required to avoid such problems in the future. Local Internet congestion can also result in slower-than-normal connection speeds. If you’re using a smaller device that can only connect via Wi-Fi, then there unfortunately isn’t much you can do about this, other than follow the other tips we mention in this post. If you cannot use powerline adapters and must stay on Wi-Fi, then you can use Wi-Fi repeaters or Mesh Systems to boost the signal for better speeds.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-weakwifisolutions_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')}; See our article comparing the repeaters/extenders to Mesh for more details. Spyware monitors your Internet use and keystrokes, which adds delays. You won't get a full 56 Kbps speed most of the time, but with a good phone line, you should approach at least 45-50 Kbps. See our article on DNS for gaming for more on this. If the website isn't prepared to handle the traffic, you might encounter delays. Two of the most frequent causes of poor Internet performance are spyware and viruses. Online gamer and general home networking enthusiast. Check out your signal is your signal is fast. There are many factors that influence your internet speed, some less obvious than others. It sometimes helps to place it in a, For PCs/laptops, disable and re-enable your Wi-Fi network adapters and update your network drivers for better performance. Even with a fast connection, external factors, such as busy websites or spreading computer viruses, can slow the entire web. Restart The Router Or Modem. Move your router to a more central location in the house if possible and practical. There is always a reason behind the slow loading of any YouTube videos when streaming. How to diagnose a slow browser. When you're connecting to a wireless network (Wi‑Fi), your Internet connection speed can be affected by both where your computer is located and whether other wireless devices are in the same area. If so … The only reason I spend so much time on youtube is because my internet's is so slow, it takes forever to buffer videos. Browser add-ons also cause performance problems. If you suspect that add-ons are causing slow performance, try starting Internet Explorer in Add-ons disabled mode. Find the MAC address of your device in the Connection Settings/Status menus, Log into your router (type or or into any browser, plus the router password). You don’t have to be a tech guru to speed up your connection! See. These slowdowns occur when many people try to connect to the Internet at the same time, and they occur most often at peak activity times, such as after school hours when students get home and connect to the web. Your Internet connection is not all “yours” Think of Internet service as a lot of lanes in a highway and … Select. Here are some caveats on Powerline adapters: Bottom line – They can be a good solution for many people using Wi-Fi at distance from the router who keep getting internet speeds that are much lower than they should be getting. Many browser add-ons can add to a rich browsing experience, offering multimedia or specialized document viewing. Viruses often don't give any obvious indication that they're running, so it's best to run your antivirus software at all times. To access the Add-on Manager from Internet Explorer, click the Tools button, and then click Manage Add-ons. Popular websites can become overwhelmed with users. Get all the features you know and love in Windows 10. Browsing history consists of a records of web pages that you have visited in … How to Understand Why YouTube Is So Slow. The total bandwidth of an internet package is shared across the entire house. The reason for your slow YouTube experience is most likely your Internet connection. You can increase your disk space by deleting Internet Explorer's temporary files. If you want to run several programs, consider increasing the memory you have on your computer. Make sure your router is updated to the latest firmware and drivers. Every webpage you view is first downloaded to memory and then saved to temporary disk files. The DNS box appears as posted above. For example, your device only uses one Internet connection at a time. During times of heavy computer virus outbreaks, the Internet can slow down. We use Wi-Fi in the first place because it’s convenient and means we don’t have long wires trailing around. Click here for the speed checker, and excellent tool you can use to do “before and after” testing when making some of the change we suggest in this article.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-weakwifisolutions_com-medrectangle-3-0')}; Here are some quick-fire things to try and get better speeds from your internet if you are connecting by Wi-Fi: If you are suddenly getting the speeds you expect when plugged in, when you weren’t before, then you know it’s your connection that’s the issue. 5. Let’s cover now though some internal causes of poor internet speeds within the home that we can do something about.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-weakwifisolutions_com-medrectangle-4-0')}; This is the major factor that will cause slower download speeds than are possible. Also is it an ADSL connection? Here are the steps for Windows: This is the settings screen you should get to on Windows systems to change DNS servers manually – see this video if you prefer a visual demonstration of how to do it. In these cases, there probably is something wrong. Some users reported that they were streaming slow or not able to stream … Here are some common reasons why download speeds can be slow even with fast internet: You’re on Wi-Fi and the signal is weak (switch to ethernet instead). File sizes are measured in Megabytes, or most commonly Gigabytes – a much larger unit of measurement than bits and megabits. If you have a choice, cable is usually the fastest, but both DSL and cable are faster than dial-up. If you find your Internet connection running slowly and you have other programs running, try closing them. There are 8000 megabits in a Gigabyte so this gives some idea of why large downloads can take so long. The simplest way around this is to wait until the home network is quieter before downloading large files. Elsewhere though, regulations are more lax and the “up to” speeds you get advertised by ISPs may or may not ever materialize. See the video below for a visual demonstration. However, some add-ons can slow your Internet connection. See the quick 2 minute video below for a demonstration of how powerline works. Windows provides a built-in troubleshooter that can automatically find and fix some common connection problems. If your internet connection is quite slow or intermittent at that moment, unfortunately, it is inevitable to have a laggy YouTube experience. Ideally, browser cache should speed up the loading process of a site. Browser add-ons are programs, such as multimedia add-ons, search bars, or other programs that usually appear on your browser's toolbar. Second, make sure that your phone line is in good condition. Sometimes this can just be down to the time of day, YouTube themselves or your own internet connection. Of course, not always the problem is with the internet connection. Why Is My Download Speed so Slow When I Have Fast Internet? So you deserve to at least have access to respectable speeds, yes? Select your device using the MAC address you found earlier. The problem is compounded when there are multiple spyware programs running at the same time. Weak Wi-Fi Solutions participates in the Amazon Affiliates Program and other affiliate programs. See also this free online tool where you can put in different file sizes and download speeds, and it will calculate an estimated download time for you. If you have contended broadband such as ADSL2, time of day will have an influence over how fast, or slow, your internet connection is. Two of the most frequent causes of poor Internet performance are spyware and viruses. It is used to see and hear video clips or any other type of video. You can check the suggestions below to try and improve things. Wi-Fi connections can be notoriously unreliable, especially the further you get from the router, weakening and fading out as more obstacles are put between the router and your device. This is another thing to bear in mind that’s definitely caught me out in the past. Spyware can slow your system by interfering with your browser and monopolizing your Internet connection. This is another home networking trick that can sometimes deliver better download speeds. You are getting much lower download speeds than your internet package is capable of. AT&T is one of the top global telecom aggregates in the United States with base camp in Dallas, Texas. However, the more you visit a certain page, the more temporary data your browser stores. These kits consist of a pair of adapters, one of which is plugged in and connected to your router, the other of which is plugged in and connected to your device. Sometimes it’s external factors outside of our control that we just have to wait to get fixed; there are plenty of things we can try in the home though to get better speeds from our internet. If you find that your Internet access is slow at times, you might discuss it with your network administrator. Once we realize that a megabit is a much smaller unit of data than a Gigabyte, we can see that even at quite a fast download speed by today’s standards, large files will still take a while to download. Open the Internet Connections troubleshooter by clicking the Start button , and then clicking Control Panel. Depending on all these factors, they can deliver anything between 70-99% of the speed you’d get plugged directly into the router. Spyware and viruses can definitely cause problems, but your Internet connection speed can also be affected by add-on programs, the amount of memory the computer has, hard disk space and condition, and the programs that are running. 3. It can work sometimes but isn’t a guaranteed fix. We use cookies on this site to improve the user experience. Like all computer programs, Internet Explorer requires a certain amount of computing power, memory, and disk space to run efficiently. This is unfortunately built into the way Wi-Fi operates – it will always degrade over distance as will all RF waves. Obviously, this isn’t always practical, but there is also a router setting called Quality of Service or QoS that may help with this problem as well. The fastest modem you can use will send and receive information at a rate of 56 kilobits per second (Kbps). This does vary around the world – in the UK for instance, regulators have become wise to this and forced ISPs to only advertise average peak time speeds rather than theoretical maximums users will never actually get. Proximity to the wireless access point or router, as well as physical obstructions, can affect the quality of your Internet connection. The three most common ways to connect to the Internet from home are dial-up, DSL, and cable. The reason for your slow YouTube experience is most likely your Internet connection. Also there are a couple of other free DNS service providers which take a more privacy conscious approach to their services, keeping little or no logs of user history. It can even also happen that submarine cables that connect the internet between countries and continents get damaged, and this can slow down the internet in certain parts of the world. Common problem include when YouTube is slow to start a video or is slow to buffer it. There could be several reasons as to why your internet is slow… More populated areas are more likely to have FiOS available. A bit is eight times smaller than byte, and therefore a megabit is eight times smaller than a megabyte, and a thousand times smaller still than a gigabyte. If there are any obvious and clear obstructions between your router and device that can be moved, then move them. Under Network and Internet, click Connect to the Internet. In your home, you still connect your computer through copper wiring. DNS Servers translate domain names into IP addresses – they basically allow you to access sites by typing it their name rather than a more difficult to remember IP address.if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-weakwifisolutions_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0')}; They are normally automatically assigned by your ISP, and most of the time they work pretty well, but occasionally they can be slow or have technical difficulties, and it can be a good idea to manually change them to custom ones to get better speeds.

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